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AED program


We are so grateful to you, our neighbors, for the generous contributions of your time and money for the HOLD AED Program. 


We are especially thankful for the efforts of our HOLD Neighborhood Responders.  Our Responders continue to refresh their training, respond to test alerts every other week, and stand ready to help any of us who may have a medical emergency.  At the next Flamingo Party or other HOLD social event, say a word of Thanks for their service!  Our dedicated group includes:














Our dispatch service provides test Alerts to all of our Responders every other week to ensure the lines of communication are working well.  Sometime within the next couple of months, we will be working with The Villages Public Safety to perform a full drill.  Our Responders will receive an Alert with an address within our neighborhood – they will respond as if it is a full emergency event.  The Public Safety representatives will time our response, monitor the CPR/AED care given to the ‘victim’ and provide the team with feedback and suggestions for improvement.  That type of testing is critical to our success and will continue to take place once or twice a year in the future.


On November 4th 2022, the Baker’s Dozen AED Group in the Village of Santo Domingo responded to a cardiac arrest on Enrique Drive.  The responders were able to quickly provide CPR to the victim before the EMS units arrived on site.  The man that went into cardiac arrest survived the incident and is doing well after having a stent placed in his heart.  This wonderful success story underscores the importance of having trained responders available within a few moments of a reported collapse; the victim may not have survived if he had not received CPR while waiting for EMS to arrive.


Once again, thank each of you for your support.  If you have any questions, please feel free to drop us a note and we’d be happy to respond.


HOLD AED Committee

Wendy Cadwell and Brad Stephenson


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