Heathrow On Lake Deaton
Heathrow on Lake Deaton (H.O.L.D) Organization Document
Heathrow on Lake Deaton, also referred to as H.O.L.D, is a grouping of 75 homes within The Villages, FL. The Villages is an active 55+ Retirement Community in central Florida and the average age is over 65. H.O.L.D as a tax-exempt organization 501(c)(3).
Purpose of Organization: HOLD was organized in 2014 as a community organization to:
provide social gatherings for our residents
protect the well-being of our residents
foster charitable work
In 2015 H.O.L.D added AED (automated external defibrillator) equipment to be able to respond to neighbors in appropriate medical emergencies.
Operating Structure: H.O.L.D is an unincorporated not-for-profit association and the current Leadership Team consists of the Treasurer Committee, Social Committee, and Sunshine Committee. The neighborhood liaison is the Treasurer. All positions are volunteer with a two-year term commitment. They are responsible for making decisions for the neighborhood by majority vote within the Leadership Team. Any major decisions or changes to this structure will require a neighborhood vote. Each person will get one vote. In the preceding October to the end of the two-year terms, an email will go out to the neighborhood asking for volunteers for the Leadership Team. This allows a smooth transition for the new committee to be in place by the January business meeting.
Two advisors that will be consulted when needed.
The AED Committee is separate and has three members.
The fiscal year ends December 31 with an annual business meeting held in January.
The treasurer collects annual dues in January of $10 per person. Funds are also collected through 50/50 drawings. Fifty percent of the collected funds go to the winning ticket(s) and 50% goes into the H.O.L.D. bank account to be used solely for monthly socials. 50/50 drawings are typically held at monthly events at the discretion of the monthly social host(s).
The AED equipment/system (4 defibrillators/training equipment) was initially funded by collection of $160 per household. Additional household assessments will be made as needed for maintenance funding. The Treasurer maintains one bank account for neighborhood activities and a separate bank account for AED expenditures. The H.O.L.D funds subsidize the monthly HOLD social activities, patriotic flag display and the Sunshine Committee efforts.
Treasurer: Current – Jenny Lou
Manages the H.O.L.D and AED bank accounts at BB&T bank and collects annual dues.
Maintains financial data and provides reports to the neighborhood.
Maintains and submits IRS documentation and reports.
Disbursements other than ordinary expenses are discussed with a consensus of the Treasurer, Social Committee and Sunshine Committee.
Funds from neither H.O.L.D nor AED bank accounts are not used for any charity activities.
Acts as liaison between the Leadership Team and neighborhood
Social Committee: Current committee members – Nanci Goslee
Helps organize monthly meetings/events (second Tuesday of every month) at a local recreation center. The meetings/events are social in nature to help neighbors get to know each other, develop relationships and interests and build the means to help each other during sickness and difficulties.
Solicits volunteers to manage each event. Details for organizing and managing monthly social events are provided in a separate document.
Supports event volunteers to help make sure the event is successful.
Events are funded by attendees paying fees to cover the cost of the event with an additional up to $150 subsidy available. Additional subsidies are determined on an as needed basis.
House guests and alumni are welcome to attend socials.
Sunshine Committee: Current committee member – Judy Stone
Provides and organizes support and assistance to neighbors in need. The committee cannot know every need or illness in the neighborhood. It is up to the residents to inform them when a need arises.
Works with each family and their individual needs; responses may vary including meal preparation, walking dogs, rides to doctors, etc.
Efforts are focused on immediate family members.
Cards are sent as appropriate. Flowers/fruit baskets, etc. may be sent on behalf of the neighborhood at a cost not to exceed $60 for life changing events.
Funding is provided from the H.O.L.D bank account.
Adviser Board: Current Advisers – Doug Goslee
Two members “at large” to be consulted as needed by the Leadership Team.
AED Committee: Current committee members – Wendy Cadwell, Brad Stephenson
Conducts training of neighbor volunteers to perform CPR and use of the AED.
Contracts for the alert system which notifies volunteers when a neighbor calls 911.
Ensures adequate funding for the operational needs of the AED program.
Ensures equipment/supplies are maintained and functional at all times.
Activates drills to maintain responsiveness and training.
Provides an annual update to the neighborhood on responses and operations.
Charity: HOLD has very charitable neighbors and individual neighbors support various local charities. All donations to charities are voluntary. Following are the current ongoing local charities and the contact person. Additional local charities can be added to the list.
The Snack Pack Program - (Nanci Goslee, Rhonda Lasko) A program for local school children. At various times during the year, a request is sent to neighbors for food donations to provide food (through the Wildwood Soup Kitchen) for poverty level children on weekends.
The Wildwood Food Pantry - (Judie Burleson) A local food pantry to serve the underprivileged. At various times, neighbors are requested to donate canned food for delivery to the food pantry.
The Wildwood Soup Kitchen - ( ) A local food kitchen that serves meals to the underprivileged. At various times, neighbors are requested to donate canned food to support the soup kitchen.
Time to Give Back Club – (Joy and Kevin Paulter) An annual local golf tournament/banquet and fund raiser for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
H.O.L.D Website: The web site is managed by Doron Bronshtein and provides a community directory, event announcements, sign-up capabilities for various activities (golf, Mahjong, Samba Card Game, book club, movie night, etc.), and other information.
Other H.O.L.D Activities
Flamingo Driveway Parties - (Angelyn Jewell ) Neighbors volunteer each month (except June, July, August and September) to host a one-hour driveway party to socialize and keep in touch with each other.
Birthdays/Anniversaries - (Kathy Bronshtein) Distributes an email each month recognizing birthdays and anniversaries.
Welcome New Neighbors - (Sheri Udisky, Angelyn Jewell) Sheri provide an information package to new neighbors. Angelyn sends a “welcome” email to the neighborhood and will also send email blasts as asked by neighbors.
Patriotism - (Kerry Hughes) American flags are placed on selected holidays throughout our neighborhood to show our patriotism and love of America. Replacement flags are funded as needed through the H.O.L.D bank account.